A kitchen is a laboratory and recipes are experiments.
There are some amazing blogs just filled with healthy recipes and awesome fitness tips. Check them out and get inspired.This recipe was an adaptation of two recipes I collected from other blogs:
2 cups carrots
1 cup frozen corn
2/3 cup almonds
1/2 cup flax seed
3 egg whites
2-3 lbs ground Turkey
1 cup oats (the recipe calls for quick oats but I used the old fashioned and they tasted great.)
1/2 cup fresh Parmesan cheese
Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees.
I combined the carrots, flax, and almonds in my food processor until they were finely minced. Next time, I will crush the flax up first so it can become a powder. I added them all together and the carrots and nuts ended up very tiny but the flax needed some extra time, I was nervous the carrots would puree so I stopped.
*The flax needs to be ground up in order to be absorbed into the body, otherwise it will just go through your system compared to putting clean oil through a dirty filter in your car. Next time :)
After that I added all of the ingredients together and formed them into larger balls that fit into my muffin pans.
Spray the pans with olive oil and cook them in your hot oven for about 25-30 minutes.
Feel free to try out adding zucchini, squash, peas, onions, and peppers. I never cook with onions because I don't care for the taste. Let me know what works for you!!
Serve with whole wheat noodles and fresh sauce, in a tortilla, or eat it plain.
Montana Foods List:
Carrots -163
Ground Turkey-54