Wednesday, October 10, 2012

awesome blogs

I apologize for not having the new recipe up yet! On Monday, our office was closed, on Tuesday, I forgot my camera at home, and today, I took out the battery and brought that to work instead of the memory card.... I clearly have not had any coffee yet. I will definitely get that up tomorrow. We will be having a twist on the old favorite: Sloppy Jo's. 

Since there is a delay in the posting, I want to leave some links for other healthy recipe bloggers.

Super Healthy Kids has 20 healthy toppings for toast! The creativity in this is amazing.

I think this blog has awesome recipes. Here is some awesome things to try for LUNCH!!

& peak here to graze some new ideas for snack time :)

Again, sorry for the delay. Take some time to explore the blogging world and apply new recipes in your home.

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