Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Favorite Sloppy Jo

This was one of the tastiest concoctions that I have ever thrown together. This meal is super easy to make and packed with whatever veggies you would like. Here is how I made mine:


2 lbs. ground meat
1 can reduced salt black beans
2 cans organic, no sugar tomato paste (1 may be enough)
1-2 cups of frozen corn
2-3 garlic cloves

*use onions and peppers if you like them!


1. In a large pot; brown meat, add your favorite spices* Mrs. Dash is good for low-salt flavors
   I chopped up the garlic and let it cook with the meat.

2. In the same pot that I browned the meat, I added the rest of the ingredients and let it simmer on a low setting for about an hour. The dish could be smelled by the neighbor children while they were playing outside.

3. Serve plain (like a chili), with your favorite whole-wheat bread, a wrap, or Oven Baked Parmesan Fries!
 I love this recipe from Playing With Sugar.

I would usually prefer to eat these with a wrap, but I was feeling fries this time. How did you choose to serve your Sloppy Jo's??

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